2024 election: the digital battleground

With a snap election called in the UK, the spotlight is now on the campaigns of those vying for Number 10. How significant will marketing be in shaping the fortunes of the Conservatives, Labour and other parties in just six weeks?

In this week’s blog, we’re delving into the strategies that could determine the outcome of this high-stakes political race.

Campaign strategy

This election’s campaigns will be driven by what can be achieved in a short time rather than by financial constraints. In 2024, the national election spending cap increased by 80%, from £19.5m to approximately £35m. Comparatively, the Tories spent £16.5m in the 2019 election, while Labour spent £12m. With such substantial budgets, we can expect a massive surge in advertising across various platforms.

A notable trend will be the increased use of influencers to engage younger voters. Additionally, out-of-home marketing is likely to make a strong comeback. Campaigns will need to meet swing voters where they are – on digital billboards, gym screens and other public spaces. The focus will be on maximising visibility and reach through every available channel in a limited timeframe.

Social media strategy

Social media is a critical battleground in any election, especially one with a short campaign period. The candidates’ distinct personalities and their approach to digital engagement make this arena vital for reaching and influencing voters.

All major parties understand the necessity of a strong social media presence. The usual suspects – Facebook, Twitter and Instagram – will be flooded with targeted ads, live streams and posts designed to resonate with different demographics. Each platform has its strengths: Twitter for real-time updates and discourse, Facebook for community building, and Instagram for visually-driven content that can quickly go viral.

TikTok’s emerging role

TikTok has become a new battleground in this election. Labour, the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats have launched TikTok accounts shortly after the snap election announcement, aiming to capture the attention of younger voters who predominantly use this platform. Despite security concerns that previously led to TikTok being banned from the UK Parliament’s network and devices, the major parties are now actively engaging on the platform.

Labour has gained traction by repurposing popular memes featuring characters like Lord Farquaad from Shrek and Cilla Black, amassing 151,500 followers. The Conservatives, on the other hand, used their first post to announce a new policy of National Service for eighteen-year-olds, attracting 47,000 followers so far. This diverse approach showcases how parties tailor their messages to fit the platform’s unique culture and audience.


Whether you’re seeking a “Clear Plan, Bold Action, Secure Future” or advocating for “Change” – or perhaps feeling indifferent to both, the diversity of talent in this year’s leadership race cannot be ignored. For the past two decades, digital media has played a pivotal role in shaping our political landscape. The government recognises the immense influence of social media, design, and videography – areas in which Cordis specialise.

If you want to leverage the power of digital media for your campaign, get in contact with Cordis today. We’re here to help you navigate the ever-evolving world of marketing.